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Cloud Infrastructure

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36,000 IT Specialists, 550 Tech Events and 110 Large Technology Centers – How Is the Wrocław IT Sector Developing?


At the end of 2019, a report examining the condition of the Wrocław IT sector was published, drafted by the Wrocław Agglomeration Development Agency, Invest in Wrocław and the Wrocław IT Corner Cluster, of which Unity Group is a member. The primary task was to discuss the characteristics of the Wrocław IT sector, as well as to outline the...

Updated: 01.02.2022

Filters vs Slicers – Which Is a Better Choice When Designing Reports in Power BI?

Power BI

Power BI is developing dynamically and is improving shared tools for data visualization. Older features are being “refreshed”, presenting themselves in a new, sometimes quite different form. In the article below, we’ll look at the filtering mechanism that some time ago replaced the old filter cards available from different levels (visual, page, and...


IT Systems Integrations – From Zero to Production Stage

Systems Integration

Integration project realization is a new experience for many developers and architects. How these projects are going? What is worth paying attention to during such projects. How to perform the tests? Tomasz Sarnowski – Java Developer from Unity Group and experienced expert in the integration field has answered all of these questions during the IT Corner...


WSO2 API Management: Permissions Model, Authorization, Analytics and API Life Cycle


API Management Solutions are elements of a mature integration architecture. They provide API management functionalities for all interested parties (developers, administrators, consumers). In this article, I will briefly present a solution that we use for this purpose in Unity – WSO2 API Manager. API Management and approaches to it First, I’ll present...


Shop Performance During Black Friday From the Administrator’s Point of View

About Us

This year’s Black Week is over. At Unity Group, we have another reason to be proud – this year our customers’ stores have again risen to the challenge, handling a total of over 67,000 orders during Black Friday! When summing up promotional campaigns and profits, remember to account not only for the perspective of sellers, who had to both...


How to Avoid Problems With E‑Shop Operation Resulting From Server Load

Cloud Infrastructure

E-commerce platforms, especially B2C systems, are often characterized by the seasonality of sales. Various holidays or promotional campaigns represent periods of intensive work across the entire enterprise. They’re also often filled with stress and anxiety resulting from fears about the efficiency of the IT system. The more complex the systems are – and...


Black Week, Sales and Fairs in Online Stores. 6 Tips on How to Prepare for Shopping Madness


Black Friday, Cyber Monday, big discounts, sales before and after Christmas, very low prices and attractive promotions – soon all these announcements will encourage customers to storm the shelves, including those online. How to prepare for increased shopping traffic in online stores to avoid problems and generate high profits in your business? Why are so...


Models for Efficient Implementation of Power BI

Power BI

A dynamically developing system Power BI is currently one of the most popular self-service Business Intelligence systems. One source of its popularity is very intensive development. Every month, a new list of functions appears. Microsoft releases more functionalities of the product. You can read about them on the blog of the service: Members can learn...


How to write an app for user authentication using JWTs


Introduction – a few words about authentication Authentication is simply verification of identity of a user in order to access protected resources. In the case of an application, the website asks for a login and a password previously defined by the user. If the values match, it is likely that the user is who he or she claims to...


Cross-Platform or Progressive Web Application? New Application or Existing Solution Migration? Choose the Right Scenario

Mobile Solutions

Cross-platform apps Cross-platform apps are a good solution if you want to deliver an interesting mobile app quickly on a limited budget. Regardless of whether you’re at the beginning of your mobile journey, about to create your company’s first app, or just want to make changes to an existing system, cross-platform technologies provide flexibility,...

usługi chmurowe - ikona przedstawiająca chmurę z kłódką

Security of IT Systems With Public Clouds

Cloud Infrastructure

When talking to people responsible for IT in organizations, I often encounter fears about the cloud transition related to system security. How can we be sure that by implementing cloud solutions or migrating existing ones to the cloud, we will not expose our systems to new threats and increase the risk of unauthorized persons gaining access to our company...


When does your company need a dedicated IT system?

Systems Integration

The multitude of options and the ever-growing range of products in the IT market can make the fans of new technologies and automation feel like they’re in heaven, right? Not really. Choosing the right solution for your company is quite a challenge. This article shows the answers to many pressing issues: How do you make the right choice from...

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