E-Commerce Site Audit

Web performance, frontend analysis and SEO reviews – our e-commerce auditing discovers key improvements to enable your store to thrive.

Let's Talk

Conduct a Web Performance audit and strengthen the potential of your online shop with the expertise of our experts.

User Requirements

Learn what users need, from on-page to technical challenges preventing conversions.


Solutions, not Problems

Our audits include recommendations on how to fix issues, rather than just a checklist of errors.


Core Web Vitals

Discover how to make your website more performant for SEO visibility.

business intelligence icon

Recommendation Plan

Gain a timeline of key recommendations to improve and meet business goals.


Cost-efficient Pathfinding

We’ll help identify the most cost-efficient path forward.


Freedom from Technical Debt

Uncover technical areas that are holding you back and discover cost-effective solutions to move forward.


How Can E-Commerce Auditing Help You?

Online businesses need to harness more than just a competitive price or attractive product. Customers consider a wide range of factors, such as performance and usability. Likewise, outdated or poorly implemented technologies further result in business expenses that don’t deliver profitable gains.

Our e-commerce website audit is designed with these aspects in mind. From code quality to on-page performance, we provide an in-depth review of areas holding back your store’s visibility, speed and, ultimately, success.

E-Commerce Site Audit

Want to know about our e-commerce auditing capabilities? Our expertise covers UX, technical and even compliant challenges that your business might face. Combined, we offer an e-commerce website audit that looks at every aspect holding back your growth.

From security standards to frontend performance and other visibility issues, we’ll provide not only a list of problems, but also a roadmap and budget for solving them as effectively as possible.

SEO Audit

Is your technology impacting your chances for SEO? Let’s find a way around those hurdles.


Google Lighthouse Score

From loading and performance to accessibility, we’ll help you improve your Lighthouse score for better visibility.


Frontend Performance

Fully assess your frontend capabilities and discover improvements that translate into direct performance gains.


Website Performance Audit

We’ll keep your website fast and performant, with lazy loading, layout shifts and more key recommendations.


Accessibility Audit

Meet both Google’s Lighthouse requirements and modern WCAG guidelines to keep your store fully accessible.


Code Quality

Is your code efficient, future proof and streamlined?


OWASP Vulnerabilities

Test your web app against OWASP’s security standards and learn where your vulnerabilities lie.


Usability Overview

Whether mobile or web, learn how to improve usability, speed and performance.



Years of Experience


Completed Projects



Let's Improve
Your Store

Remove outdated legacies, improve performance and keep customers happy – our e-commerce audit is a comprehensive guide to noticeable improvement.