Case Studies / Docker

Integration von ERP- und MES-Systemen mit Apache Camel


We developed a modern integration solution for an acknowledged manufacturer of heating systems.

<continuity.ensured>  <future.enabled>  <data.secured>  

Bessere Nutzung von Geschäftsdaten durch Systemintegration


DNA Telecommunications Company Wanted to Enhance the Company’s Ability to Leverage its Data

<service.improved>  <data.optimized >  <business.protected >  

Effektive und effiziente Verwaltung von Tausenden von Produkten dank PIM

Polwell / Fale Loki Koki

Angesichts der zunehmenden Zahl der angebotenen Artikel musste eine Lösung zur Gewährleistung der Datenintegrität implementiert werden.

<process.optimized>  <sales.supported>  <marketing.enabled>  

[EN] Migration to AWS cloud and website maintenance

domiporta needed to find a new infrastructure provider and team able to quickly migrate the systems to the AWS cloud.

<future.enabled>  <transition.mastered>  <processes.optimized>  

[EN] Headless E-commerce Adapted to Mobile


The new version of - headless e-commerce in the reading industry.

<conversions.increased>  <sales.improved>  <transactions.increased>  

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<partnerships.forged> <success.enabled>